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 7 Steps to Accepting that you Are a ‘Good Enough’ Mom

A parenting article for Vanessa Cooper's blog.


23 November 2020


The brief was to help moms remember they are good enough or more than good enough but showing them seven simple ways of accepting it as truth.

What I Did

I have used my knowledge of John Bowlby's (1988) attachment theory and D.W. Winnicott's (1987) "good enough mother" approach and wrote this article by giving mothers simple and actionable tips on how to accept that you are more than good enough. 


The result is an article I am very proud of. It's fun and easy to follow, but very informative at the same time.

5 Tips To Help You Create a Successful Blogging Schedule

Time management blog for Lisa Tanner.


20 April, 2021


This was my first blog post that I got paid for. The brief was to give tips on how to keep a successful blogging schedule. As a Creative Project Manager I have a vast experience in managing complex projects. Hence I thought I would do Lisa's blog justice by writing this post drawing from my previous experience and my knowledge of psychology.

What I Did

I evaluated various tips that Ive been using in my personal life and in my career as a Project Manager and cherry-picked 5 tips to create a successful blogging schdule. I have used Google Docs to illustrate my point and give a few useful examples.


The blog is entertaining but contains very useful tips that would help bloggers and other creative people who need to keep a tight schedule and plan their day.

A parenting blog for Elna Cain's blog Imperfectly Perfect Mama.


23 April, 2021


As a new parent, I was slightly taken aback when my child turned 18 months and started throwing loud tantrums on a regular basis. They came out of nowhere. As a psychologist I wanted to investigate what is happening for my little one and if there is anything I could do to help. Hence, I've approached Elna with a proposal to write this blog post where I could research this subject and provide some useful evidence-based advice.

What I Did

I did a lot of research, parenting blogs, psychology books and forums. I also spoke to other moms to learn about their experiences with tantrums. 


This blog post turned out very informative. And most importantly, it helped me to deal with my child's tantrum because now I knew enough to know when to interfere and when to just allow her to get it out of her system in this very loud and undignified way :)

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